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3 Little Words



‘A splash of colour’

We bring new insights to old problems. We have a fresh, innovative approach. We always present our ideas in an engaging, creative, visual way. We’re happy to take a risk and try something new. We consistently bring energy and enthusiasm, pace and passion to any challenge.

‘One of the team’

We get to know your organisation inside out. We quickly get ‘under the skin’ to understand your issues. We then adapt our approach and the way we work to suit your organization, your culture and your brand. People have often said we’re just ‘one of the team’. We always share our thinking, give feedback, coach clients and pass on skills – so that you get sustainable benefits.

You've got the answers

We fundamentally believe that the best ideas and solutions already exist in your own people. We simply create the right environment, build trust and facilitate your own teams to clarify the issues and come up with the right solutions. We make sure that you own the project, own the solutions and drive the action plan – so that the ideas stick and deliver longer-term results.

Straightforward No Nonsense

We love realistic, practical and pragmatic solutions. We give honest, straightforward, jargon-free advice. We try not to talk in management-speak. (Tell us if we do). We don’t get involved in stuff where we can’t add value.

Small Team, Big Ideas

We are a small team of likeminded associates who share some common values and ways of working. That means we’re flexible, adaptable and good value for money. But it doesn’t stop us from having big ideas or getting involved in big projects. As well as associates who deliver a range of HR assignments, we’re connected to a wider network with a massive range of talents.

Who We Work With

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A bit more about
how we do it

We work on a wide range of projects across a wide range of sectors throughout the world.

Sometimes our projects are just a few days… sometimes we’re working on projects that continue for many years. Sometimes we’re working at an individual level; sometimes with a specific team; sometimes across a whole organization.

Although every project is different, there are common threads to what we do, how we do it and what you can expect from us. In essence, what we do is quite simple:

  • We bring a toolkit of skills (problem solving, facilitation, consulting, organization development, change management) to a wide range of business challenges.
  • We then create the right ‘space’ for people to work out the issues, understand the root causes, generate creative ideas for improvement and then turn ideas into action.
  • We have a structured, logical way of working through issues – quickly capturing all the issues, clustering them into key themes and then creatively coming up with pragmatic solutions – whether it’s at an individual, team or organizational level.
  • We do all of this with a deep, pragmatic understanding of your issues, your business realities and your marketplace - combined with a firm foundation in psychology, team dynamics and organization behaviour.

You won’t find our ‘corporate values’ on mugs, mouse mats or posters in the office. The way we work and ‘how we do it’ is just part of our personality and something that you’ll see from the minute you start working with us.

If we did have a set of values, they would probably look something like the list below. Click on the words to find out more.

We work with a wide range of clients from across different sectors. Click here to find out who we work with.

Who we work with

You can hear what clients say about us in the ‘3 Little Words’ section.