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Selection & Assessment

Too many recruitment and promotion decisions are made without enough preparation, process and structure. The costs of getting it wrong can be huge.

We help our clients improve selection and assessment in a range of contexts including recruitment and reorganization by:

  • Designing robust assessment processes to improve decisions
  • Selecting and designing tools to improve the validity of assessments - including competency-based interviewing, psychometrics and assessment centres
  • Getting directly involved in selection decisions to provide an external, objective perspective on potential candidates
  • Training and supporting clients in selection and assessment techniques, transferring our knowledge and expertise into their organisation
  • Preparing for effective on-boarding and induction of new recruits

Click here for an example of our work in Selection and Assessment

Training & Development

We support clients in focused, effective, targeted training and development solutions. We don’t do large scale, ‘sheep dip’ training programmes - but we do specialize in tailored solutions that are specifically designed to tackle development needs and reflect the client’s culture, values and brand.

We support clients with training and development projects by:

  • Identifying needs and gaps through ‘diagnostic’ questionnaires, 360 feedback tools and training needs analysis
  • Designing and facilitating ‘development centres’ to identify people’s strengths and weaknesses and support them in personal development, goal setting and career planning
  • Designing and delivering training programmes - including management and leadership development as well as specific talent development initiatives
  • Creating self development resources to help employees take ownership for their own development and access a wide range of development ideas
  • Developing career planning tools and processes to help employees work out their career aspirations, evaluate their strengths/weaknesses and build development plans
  • Branding and communicating training programmes to promote and position them effectively within a business
  • ‘Training the trainers’ to build skills in training, facilitating and understanding the psychology of learning

Click here for an example of our work in Training and Development

Team Development

When teams work well, the benefits are obvious in terms of improved productivity, motivation, creativity and decision-making. But all too often, teams can be unclear about roles, goals and processes or held back by leadership and relationship issues.

We help organizations improve the effectiveness and performance of teams through:

  • Working with teams to improve clarity of their roles, goals and processes
  • Auditing a team’s performance through structured questionnaires, stakeholder interviews and feedback tools
  • Understanding the ‘shape’, dynamics and make-up of a team through psychometric tools
  • Helping team members to understand more about the impact they have on colleagues through facilitated feedback sessions and 360-degree feedback tools
  • Facilitating workshops to tackle and resolve specific performance issues in a team
  • Supporting teams to improve the way they communicate and position themselves with colleagues and stakeholders across the organisation

Click here for an example of our work in Team Development

Communication & Employee Engagement

We work with clients to improve their internal communications and build better engagement and connection between employees and the organisation’s vision, goals, strategy and brand.

We help clients to improve communications and engagement by:

  • Designing surveys to ‘test the mood’ and measure employee engagement
  • Creating communication strategies and action plans to manage communication in a structured way
  • Linking internal communications with our client’s external brand and brand values to ‘bring the outside in’
  • Bringing together disparate initiatives and processes under one simple ‘umbrella’ - to present clear, straightforward ‘line of sight’ between the work of each individual and the goals of the organization
  • Writing employee communications including newsletters, web content, internal communications and guides
  • Designing, running and facilitating high impact workshops, conferences and events

Click here for an example of our work in Communications and Employee Engagement

Strategic People Projects

We support clients on a wide range of strategic projects - which are fundamentally all about driving and delivering business strategy through people.

Examples of our work in this area include:

  • HR Strategy – supporting clients in understanding how their strategic business direction impacts their people and developing HR strategies to deliver business strategy and change through people.
  • Organisation Design – supporting clients in thinking through options for organization design, defining key processes and then scoping roles, responsibilities and key performance measures.
  • Change Management – supporting major change initiatives with project management, communications, training, facilitation and employee engagement. This could be in the context of sustaining growth, downsizing organizations, reorganization, supporting mergers and acquisitions or driving culture change.
  • Performance Management – evaluating current tools and processes, identifying areas for improvement and designing new ways of managing and improving employee performance

Click here for an example of our work in Strategic People Projects

Selection and Assessment
Training and Development
Strategic People Projects
Team Development
Communications and Employee Engagement

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